‘The creation of life'

Sometimes I think that universe is nothing but an illusion

I have doubts whether the people around me are real or not?

Or everything is just dreams or simulation?

Do you feel the same way I think?

Do you think that our life is one directional?

Or this direction of life is an infinite loop?

 Why people died in a painful way?

Why people born if there is an end?

Why there is so much chaos between the birth and death?

Everything in this universe which has a beginning must has an end,

Then why things are being created?

 What the purpose creating such a complex structure?

Do you think that we are unique and alone?

Why suffering after being the God’s finest creation?

Why we love each other or feel a connection?

Then why we hate each other?


‘The death'

We grow up, grow further, reached on the ultimate state of being chaotic

That is the adulthood

Then we downgrade, everything reversed while we getting older

Then like birth where life begins, everyone embraces the death.

There is two ultimate point, birth and death.

But death of people leaves so much memorise in us

Left behind everything, lots of footprints, we miss the person

The pain of losing someone creates infinite voids.


‘The shortness of life'

Then why we live a life with memories of past and thinking of future

 Ignoring the moment called ‘now’ which is perfect and beautiful?

Then why we waste our time blaming each other?

Why we are busy in changing others, the society?

Why we are busy in making our after-life smooth?

Is this the purpose of the existence of religion?

Do we have proper knowledge why there exists religions, God, the power?

If we know that then why are we distorting the religion?



‘In search of meaningful life'

Do you think that our life has a certain purpose?

Is that purpose of life same for everyone or different?

Our life is perfect and meaningful if we have different purpose of life.

But what if we have same purpose of life and we have created for a reason then?

Did you think about this?

Finding a meaningful life becomes meaningless at this point.

If our life is purposeless then searching those questions is wasting the moment?

There may or may not any answers of these questions

In the searching of answers, it brings order in the chaos.



By Wahid Eman Kalyan


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