
Showing posts from August, 2021

Fall in love

Fall in Love is just like free fall ; if you start falling, then you feel weightlessness, if you can able to have soft landing then it's amazing otherwise it hurts. You can't stop yourself in the middle of this fall ; if you fall for someone then you fall till any extremities. In this duration attractions towards that person increases with time . During this time your total energy remain same but transformation occurred.  All it ends with either heartbroken or happiness but the journey gives you a great experience and create beautiful memories .

'Sex', a taboo

Every students have many beautiful memories with teachers' day. No need to say the impact of teachers to shape the students. In this perspective I am going to share my view.  Six years ago, when I read in class VII, most of my friends are busy to impress girls, but some of us keep ourselves away from any relationship, but later failed obviously, however our teachers always advice us not to get into any relationship ( according to them it's nothing but waste of time). Still now I can't find what is wrong with love and relationships, why our teachers think so. The attractions is natural. Let me clear that no teacher tought us about sex education, reason is that they feel uncomfortable to discuss about 'sex', a taboo. Most of the parents never think about the necessity to teach their son or daughter about sex education, because they create such atmosphere from early age, so it's impossible to change their their stereotypes mindset at that exact moment, and in schoo...
He said: "One day you'll leave this world behind , So live a life you will remember"  


 Away from the din and bustle of the world I live in silence  When everything sinks into the darkness of That majesty night , the clock ticking away  Along with the voice of crickets outside What is happening inside and outside  Takes me to that time, to that strange world Where I am a stranger and soaked by crowd That journey starts with fascinating music And I am the passenger of a midnight train.